Front Lines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner – 

Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me (John 15:4 The Message).

Gaither serves as Grand Marshall
In recognition of his appointment as the first African-American national commander of The Salvation Army, Commissioner Israel L. Gaither was invited to serve as Grand Marshall of the 71st Annual Tuskegee-Morehouse Football Classic in Columbus, Georgia. The celebrated annual match-up between the two historically black universities was televised nationally on ESPN University. Gaither was accompanied by his wife, Commissioner Eva Gaither, and was also recognized with a city, state and national proclamation. The Salvation Army received a portion of the game’s ticket sales.

Sierra del Mar has ‘Spirit’
The Sierra del Mar Division recently presented the musical, Spirit, at the San Diego Kroc Center. Lt. Colonel Diane O’Brien, divisional secretary for Program and divisional director of Women’s Ministries, reports, “The stage was filled with more than 70 cast members in bright yellow t-shirts; the divisional youth chorus was the foundation for the chorus numbers, and soloists came from many of the corps in the division. The corps and San Diego ARC were assigned different scenes to stage, and the congregation joined in music and reactions. Then the crowd spilled outside for a BBQ lunch and the afternoon was spent enjoying the wonderful facilities at the Kroc Center.

Yakima honors octogenarians
The Yakima, Wash., Home League once again honored those members over 80 years old. This year only seven over age 80 were present—and four of them were over 95. Margaret Keys, 95, a retired schoolteacher and toastmistress, shared stories about her heirloom treasures. “She has been the special speaker for the ‘over 80’ luncheon for over 10 years and always has a different and interesting program,” said Dorothy Woodward, Home League secretary.

Bakersfield Community Christmas
Christmas will be done a bit differently in Bakersfield, Calif., this year—different but better, reports Captain David Ebell, Kern County coordinator. The Salvation Army, US Marines Corps Toys for Tots, Volunteer Center, Kern County Food Bank, Garden Pathways and the Bakersfield city schools have joined forces as lead agencies to create Bakersfield Community Christmas. Each of these groups or agencies along with others across the community was active in providing Christmas food or toys to needy families. By joining together, families won’t need to apply to several places to get help.

New appointments
ARCC: Captain Stephen Sutter has been appointed Assistant Administrator, San Jose (effective October 6); Majors Samuel and Carol Southard have been appointed Assistant Administrator, San Diego, and Assistant Dir. of Special Services, respectively (effective October 25); Captains Scott and Barbara Schneider have been appointed Corps Officers (pro-tem), Petaluma Corps, Calif., effective November 1.

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