Front Lines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner – 

I’ll make a list of God’s gracious dealings, all the things God has done that need praising, all the generous bounties of God…compassion lavished, love extravagant.
Isaiah 63: 7
(The Message)

Wee Ones Wonder Fair
Over 500 pre-school children from low-income families “shopped” for free clothing and other gifts at The Salvation Army’s Service Center in San Francisco. More than 20 community agencies distributed information on neighborhood services, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Bay Area Legal Aid, Children’s Council of San Francisco, and University of Pacific School of Dentistry.

Reno dedicates ARP residence
A dedication/open house is scheduled May 16, 2006, for the men’s Adult Rehabilitation Program (ARP) residence in Reno, Nevada. The new $2.3 million residence—named the Leid Residential Facility—houses the dormitories, bathrooms, laundry and offices. While the building was completed a year ago, they couldn’t move in until the new kitchen and dining room were finished; these areas were built inside an adjacent warehouse which suffered a roof collapse in January 2005.

Portland cares for kids
The Salvation Army’s 12th Annual All About Kids fundraising event is slated for May 11, 2006 at the Portland Art Museum. Every year, the Army helps thousands of hungry, homeless children and teens in the Portland Metro area, many of whom are running from abusive situations or lacking the basic necessities to be successful in life. Funding from this event has raised over $1 million since 1995; this year, the Army hopes to add another $150,000 that will enable their essential services to continue.

Nicodemus visits San Bernardino, Calif.
Major Jacque Fritz, San Bernardino corps officer, reports that the Christian Theatre Group presented the play, A Visit from Nicodemus at the corps recently. “A great day was had by all,” said Fritz. “Despite five weekends of rain, we still managed to get 128 people out…the play was very inspirational; we had 13 seekers.” She noted that despite the weather, there were 87 in Sunday school that morning.

Easter at Moore Street
The Portland, Ore., Moore Street Corps, under the leadership of Captains Robert and Donna Marshall, joined with two other churches (Living Harts Community Church and Reedwood Friends Church) to provide “Footsteps to the Cross” —an interactive experience recreating Jesus’ final days—in preparation for Easter week. Resurrection Sunday saw Moore Street’s sanctuary at capacity. Following a media presentation, “Sunday’s Coming,” and a spirited time of singing led by the worship and praise team, Mario and Rachelle Denton were enrolled as senior soldiers.

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