Front lines -News briefs of the West

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Karen Gleason, Editor

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17 ESV)


Car wash sends youth to retreat

The San Bernardino Citadel Corps youth held a car wash March 26 to raise money for the Sierra del Mar divisional youth retreat at Pine Summit in Big Bear Lake, April 8-10.

“The retreat is an opportunity for our young people to get out of San Bernardino and visit the beautiful mountains,” said Kelly Raabe, young people’s sergeant major.

The goal was to raise about $2,000, allowing 15-20 youth to go to the retreat.

For more information about the retreat or to donate, contact the corps at (909) 888-1336.


Food Box Packin’ Tuesdays

The Sacramento (Calif.) Citadel Corps resumed its volunteer-run Food Box Packin’ Tuesdays program—which provides groceries for the needy and homeless.

“The demand for food boxes has increased but our ability to hire extra staff is not there,” Ava Simpson, volunteer coordinator, said.

Help comes from many places: Harding (Ark.) College students on spring break, corporate groups, churches and youth groups.

“I didn’t realize that it [The Salvation Army] was helping everyday people,” volunteer Suzanne Bush said. “Knowing that…causes me to want to volunteer or contribute more to the Army.”


Breakfast is served

Eighteen sixth graders from Woods Learning Center recently helped prepare and serve breakfast at The Salvation Army soup kitchen in Casper, Wyo. In connection with “Woods Has A Heart Day,” the activity got kids to volunteer in their community and to witness need firsthand.

One man at the breakfast, currently unemployed, said: “I’d hope they’d learn that giving of themselves would help them open their hearts to the homeless and the needy…it’s showing humanity at its best.”

Majors Randall and Cheryl Kinnamon are corps officers in Casper.


Taking a break to serve others

In Anchorage, Alaska, a youth group—CitiServe, from ChangePoint Church—spent spring break serving others including painting the inside of The Salvation Army’s Clitheroe Center.

Jenni Ragland, Alaska divisional community relations associate director, said: “While many young people choose to relax on spring break, we were blessed to have a group of teens eager to serve their community.”

Check out the Alaska Division’s Facebook page for photos and more news.


Breakfast at Sally’s

Richard LeMieux, author of Breakfast at Sally’s, spoke in Surprise, Ariz., on March 27.

After years of success, LeMieux’s business failed and he found himself homeless in Bremerton, Wash., writing his book while living in his minivan. He and the other homeless people portrayed in his book regularly visited Sally’s, the soup kitchen at The Salvation Army in Bremerton. Breakfast at Sally’s—available at—reveals his descent into homelessness and his ultimate salvation.

For more information, visit


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front lines -news briefs of the west. karen gleason, editor. sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (john 17:17 esv). car wash sends youth to retreat. the san bernardino citadel corps youth held a car wash march 26 to raise money for the sierra del mar divisional youth retreat at pine summit in big bear lake, april 8-10. “the retreat is an opportunity for our young people to get out of san bernardino and visit the beautiful mountains,” said kelly raabe, young people’s sergeant major. the goal was to raise about $2,000, allowing 15-20 youth to go to the retreat. for more information about the retreat or to donate, contact the corps at (909) 888-1336. food box packin’ tuesdays. the sacramento (calif.) citadel corps resumed its volunteer-run food box packin’ tuesdays program—which provides groceries for the needy and homeless. “the demand for food boxes has increased but our ability to hire extra staff is not there,” ava simpson, volunteer coordinator, said. help comes from many places: harding (ark.) college students on spring break, corporate groups, churches and youth groups. “i didn’t realize that it [the salvation army] was helping everyday people,” volunteer suzanne bush said. “knowing that…causes me to want to volunteer or contribute more to the army.”. breakfast is served. eighteen sixth graders from woods learning center recently helped prepare and serve breakfast at the salvation army soup kitchen in casper, wyo. in connection with “woods has a heart day,” the activity got kids to volunteer in their community and to witness need firsthand. one man at the breakfast, currently unemployed, said: “i’d hope they’d learn that giving of themselves would help them open their hearts to the homeless and the needy…it’s showing humanity at its best.”. majors randall and cheryl kinnamon are corps officers in casper. taking a break to serve others. in anchorage, alaska, a youth group—citiserve, from changepoint church—spent spring break serving others including painting the inside of the salvation army’s clitheroe center. jenni ragland, alaska divisional community relations associate director, said: “while many young people choose to relax on spring break, we were blessed to have a group of teens eager to serve their community.”. check out the alaska division’s facebook page for photos and more news. breakfast at sally’s. richard lemieux, author of breakfast at sally’s, spoke in surprise, ariz., on march 27. after years of success, lemieux’s business failed and he found himself homeless in bremerton, wash., writing his book while living in his minivan. he and the other homeless people portrayed in his book regularly visited sally’s, the soup kitchen at the salvation army in bremerton. breakfast at sally’s—available at—reveals his descent into homelessness and his ultimate salvation. for more information, visit
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