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Fellow employees salute Stan Gause—an Army success story.

As Stan Gause stood in the food line at the Los Angeles Harbor Light, little did he realize that he was in for a lot more than a free meal. Stan was about to begin a life-changing journey, brought about through a program of The Salvation Army.

At that time, Stan was homeless, an alcoholic living in Macarthur Park. One day, while sober, he realized how hungry he was and another homeless person told him he could get a free meal at The Salvation Army’s Harbor Light.

In order to eat, he had to attend chapel. That night Major Bill Mulch helped Stan realize that he needed to change his life. Six months later, Stan graduated from the Harbor Light program and became employed there, working as an advocate for other men in the program.

Two years later, Stan returned to Idaho, where his family lived, and became the resident manager at the Boise Adult Rehabilitation Program. There he worked with Lt. Colonel (then Captain) Dan Starrett, who became a mentor to him.

Subsequently Stan worked for the Army as transportation supervisor at the Carpinteria, Seattle and Riverside County Adult Rehabilitation Centers. For the last nine years, he has worked as lead staff in the ARC Call Center at territorial headquarters in Long Beach, Calif.

His fellow employees celebrated his success at his recent retirement, after 18 years and 11 months of working for the Army. He is retiring to Emmett, Idaho to be near his family.

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