Focus was Firmly on Jesus During the General’s Visit to Sweden

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The General is welcomed to Stockholm by Wilma and Astrid (Photo: Isac Ericsson)

Salvationist and friends in Sweden were delighted to welcome General Linda Bond to their country. A public meeting in Jönköping took place in Kungsporten Church, which overlooks Lake Vättern, but the focus was firmly on Jesus Christ and what he can do in the lives of all who follow him.

Music items by Nässjö Choir and Jönköping Band, as well as compassionate praise and worship songs, led to the General’s Bible message, which was simple, warm, full of love and certainly guided by the Holy Spirit.

The General meets members of the congregation (Photo: Isac Ericsson)

The General reminded the congregation of the importance of seeking to know the Lord in a new way, and to understand his will for their lives. She explained that only by doing this could they be firmly grounded in him. The importance of the centrality of God’s Word in the life of the believer was also stressed.

Many Salvationists and friends responded to the message. Some knelt by the altar while others stood up with hands raised.

Kungsporten Church was also the venue for inspired officers councils.

The next day, Sunday, the General led worship more than 320 kilometres away from Jönköping, at Stockholm Temple Corps (church).

Commissioner Marie Willermark (Territorial Commander, Sweden and Latvia Territory) introduced the General and Chief Secretary Lieut-Colonel João Paulo Ramos questioned her about The Salvation Army’s International Vision – One Army, One Mission, One Message. The General said that the International Vision is a reminder to Salvationists of their mission and message.

‘The Salvation Army was raised for marginalised people,’ said the General, reminding her hearers that The Salvation Army still needs to fulfil its mission among the marginalised, challenging social injustice as a means of demonstrating God’s love to others.

A group of dancers from Corps393 presented an item around the theme ‘Imagine Me being Totally Free with a Total Trust in You, Lord’.

In her Bible message the General reminded the congregation that resurrection power was within each one of them, and urged them to follow the example of the apostle Paul, who moved away from arguing with people about faith and instead chose to speak about who God is and to show it in his life.

The General concluded with a challenge to every Salvationist to testify to Christ’s work in their lives.


Report by Major Bert Åberg

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