Employees clean up Camp Del Oro

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by Grady Brown – 

The smell of clean air…the sound of a running stream…the sight of soaring Ponderosa pines…and the touch of a rake, shovels, or hammers in the hand!

All of those were experienced when 21 Del Oro Divisional Headquarters and Sacramento County Command personnel spent a day of work at the new Del Oro divisional camp. As they ventured into one of the most beautiful settings imaginable, they began immediately to pull weeds, plant flowers, build a campfire stage, plus clean and paint facilities. They also found time to enjoy a lunch cooked on the outdoor grill.

Bob and Marie Kittle, Del Oro camp directors, both pointed out that much more work is needed. But Bob was quick to respond, “The work performed on this day gives us a tremendous start—not only is the camp cleaner, but also our facilities and outdoor areas look much, much better. We’re encouraged by the helping spirit of DHQ and Sacramento County Command people.”

This was the second year employees have taken the one-hour ride to get the camp ready. The employees enjoy a day at camp, and the camp also gets a boost in its preparations for summer camps.

Captain Doug Riley, who promoted the idea a year ago, is encouraged by the volunteer spirit of employees to help the camp. “The opportunity to work at camp has several benefits. Number one, employees get to see our camp and understand the scope of the camping program and how it can impact youth. Second, our camp staff became acquainted with many of the employees that help provide resources to run the camp. And of course, the camp looks great because of our employees’ efforts.”


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