Elsewhere in the world

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Elsewhere in the world


ITALY— Central Italy’s April 6 earthquake, 5.8 on the Richter scale, affected thousands of people. The Salvation Army’s operation in Italy is relatively small—designated a command, not a territory—but the leadership, with its force of 28 officers, is providing whatever help is possible.

During Palm Sunday weekend, the General and Commissioner Helen Clifton visited Rome for what General Clifton termed a “tour of encouragement.” The international leaders met with national church leaders and representatives and the Italy Command’s consultants, allowing the Cliftons to understand more of the context in which the Italian Salvationists live, work and witness. Representatives of the Pentecostal, Valdensian, Methodist, Baptist, Church of Scotland, Anglican and Roman Catholic traditions learned something of the international Salvation Army from the General.

On Palm Sunday, the Rome Corps hall was packed. General Clifton enrolled six senior soldiers: three Italians and three from Kenya—an example of the increasingly international corps family. This internationalism was further evident during the prayers—offered in Japanese and Greek (the new work in Greece is overseen by the Italy Command).

CANADA—Thirty-seven Salvation Army thrift stores across Ontario, a number of them in greater Toronto, are now recycling old electronic and computer hardware.

The Salvation Army is part of a new environmental program, run by the Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) ministry association, which is dedicated to diverting e-waste from landfills. OES will pay transportation and recycling expenses as well as an incentive fee of $165 per ton to The Salvation Army.

Salvation Army thrift stores have been certified to collect TVs, computers, mice, keyboards, monitors, printers and fax machines.

“This is exciting and is an extension of what Salvation Army thrift stores are doing in lower mainland, B.C.,” says John Kershaw, managing director of Salvation Army National Recycling Operations.

The Salvation Army is deeply embedded in community service and this partnership allows the channeling of more resources into existing programs and services.

From The Salvation Army in Canada’s website: www.salvationarmy.ca

SPAIN—Captains Eric and Adriana Bradley, U.S. Western officers serving in Mallorca, Spain, have begun work on a book project involving 26 moms from the corps’ moms and tots play group. The moms agreed to have their child photographed for one of the 26 letters of the alphabet, e.g. “A” for “apple.” Each mom must raise 100 euros to “sponsor” their letter so the book can be published. All proceeds from sales of the book will benefit the programs of The Salvation Army. The project has been an outreach to families and demonstrates what the Army is all about.

From Captain Eric Bradley’s blog accessed via www.tsamissionaries.org

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