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UNITED KINGDOM—Chief of the Staff Commissioner Robin Dunster led a self-denial mission appeal weekend at the Basingstoke Corps. Saturday’s event, staged as a cabaret, featured the talents of corps members. Throughout the evening, the Chief spoke on The Salvation Army’s international work, drawing from her experiences in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Philippines and Zimbabwe.

Dunster’s Sunday message focused on the words of Jesus concerning those who would leave everything behind for the sake of the gospel and the rich rewards reserved for those taking that path.

During her presentation of “A Forward-Marching Army,” the Chief showed examples of new, worldwide Salvation Army projects. Her conclusion recalled the early Christians of Acts who sold their goods to share with those in need.

From a report by Brian Hooper

SPAIN—Whenever possible, The Salvation Army goes into Palma City, assisting the hungry and homeless with soup and blankets. The soup run entails more than just passively parking the minivan and handing out necessities. Led by Captain Eric Bradley—a Western Territory officer—and Robert, a soldier, the Army volunteers walk throughout the city seeking those in need.

One night they found a couple who had taken shelter in a bank cash point area. Although both had recently found jobs, they realized they had to remain on the streets a while longer.

Often, the work of The Salvation Army is all that’s available to help the homeless make it through another night.

Bradley and his wife, Adriana, serve as officers of both English and Spanish corps. They recently held their first Spanish service, which was well attended with a mixed South American congregation—some form Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Ecuador—along with some British and Americans, and one Iranian man. Many are out of work and in need of food and rent. The Bradleys request prayer for their ministry, especially the Spanish service at 5 p.m. Sunday evening (8 a.m. Sunday morning, West Coast time).

Visit the Bradleys online blog at www.xxxxxxxxx.org; they update it frequently.

CANADA—In Victoria, British Columbia, a successful food voucher trial is being extended indefinitely. The Salvation Army is selling $5 vouchers, redeemable for a hot meal at city’s Salvation Army cafeteria. Purchasers of the vouchers are encouraged to donate them to panhandlers, instead of handing out cash, as a way to ensure that the gift actually goes to food, rather than alcohol or drugs. Since the project began in Dec. 2008, in cooperation with the Downtown Victoria Business Association, 750 vouchers have been sold and 100 have been redeemed at the cafeteria.

A booklet of five coupons costs $25. Four of every five dollars per meal go to food costs while $1 goes toward the program, said Major Bill Mason, Salvation Army addictions and rehabilitation center executive director.

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