Elsewhere in the world…

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Estonia—Captains Daniel and Anya Henderson, Western officers, have served for over six years in Narva, Estonia. As of April 1, 2008, they assumed new responsibilities, allowing a gradual transition away from the Narva Corps. Daniel will spend half of his time as Narva corps officer team leader and the other half as assistant to the regional officer (with responsibility for projects, property, and public relations in Estonia). Anya will similarly spend half of her time as Narva corps officer team leader and the other half as assistant to the regional officer (with responsibility for officer training/education, camps, and youth work in Estonia). Pray for the Hendersons as they adjust to a new ministry, new roles in their current ministry, and for the corps people as they adjust to the changes.

Russia—The Salvation Army in Russia continues to assist orphaned and runaway children living on the streets of Moscow. In late 2006, The Salvation Army in Russia took over the New Hope project, started in 2003 by the international aid agency Doctors Without Borders.

The New Hope project exists to influence young lives by seeking to meet their basic needs with food, clothes and loving attention. On site are two doctors and two social workers; staff assist the children in attaining legal documentation, reuniting with family when possible, teaching job skills and helping to find work.

The project, directed by Major Mike Stannett, hopes to eventually have the capacity to also offer the street children a warm place to sleep.

Information from the May 2008 Canada and Bermuda Salvationist magazine.

England—In Southport, over 3,000 people attended the recent Salvation Army Roots Christian festival and hundreds of local residents joined for the final event, a “Going Public Festival” in a community park.

Internationally renowned Christian speakers and performers at Roots 2008 included pastor and founder of The Peace Alliance, Nims Obunge; international Christian author and speaker Jeff Lucas; praise singer Geraldine Latty; and the Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda, Africa.

The event theme “peace” inspired the creation of a peace garden, used throughout the weekend for reflection and prayer.

Roots will return to Southport in 2010 with the theme “epidemic”—learning how to help others to catch the infectious power of the Holy God.

For more information about Roots, log onto www.rootsonline.org.

Information from Army’s UK website.

Australia—In late March, The Salvation Army opened a new environmentally friendly Australia Southern Territorial Headquarters in Blackburn, Australia.

The new headquarters includes environmentally conscious features such as a specially vented central kitchen, green-rated fit-out materials, low energy lighting, solar hot water and bicycle storage facilities for staff. The Salvation Army registered the building with the Green Building Council of Australia for an Office Interior Green Star rating.

The site merged several separate administration sites, bringing together more than 200 officers and staff.

Information from the Army’s Australia Southern Territory website.

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Let there be praise!

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