Elsewhere in the world

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AUSTRALIA—Easter would have been difficult for 2 million Australians who struggled to put food on the table. Yet, thanks to Foodbank Australia, The Salvation Army provided meals and Easter eggs.

Foodbank Australia collects unsaleable, surplus and donated food and grocery products from farmers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and the public and distributes them to over 2,500 charities and community groups around Australia.

From The Salvation The Australia


CZECHOSLOVAKIA—The Netherlands and Czech Republic Territory opened approximately 200 additional centers this winter in the Czech Republic for homeless individuals needing to escape below-zero temperatures. Army personnel brought in extra beds, and if no space existed for the beds, they offered clients a space in one of the day centers, which could only offer chairs but were a warm alternative to the freezing weather outside. Salvationists also provided warm meals and drinks.

In Prague, Army workers went into the streets to search for homeless, handing out blankets, warm clothing and food.

From Prapor Spasy (Battalion Salvation), spring 2012


CANADA—Jennifer and Rob Henson facilitate the Celebrate Recovery program at Sunshine Coast Community Church (The Salvation Army) in Gibsons, British Columbia. The program recognized its new graduates at a recent ceremony. Three who finished the course attend the church. 

Although recovery programs are typically associated with substance abuse, Celebrate Recovery includes components for people who struggle with eating disorders, sexual abuse, pride and lust.

“Ultimately, the power of Celebrate Recovery does not come from the program itself; it’s Jesus, transforming our lives and working through them,” Jennifer Henson said.

From salvationist.ca


PAKISTAN—For 40 years the 5-foot wall around the Pakistan Territorial Headquarters provided the facility with protection and privacy. In March, however, territorial leaders determined it no longer served these purposes and set about to increase its dimensions. Ashiyian Builder & Technology demolished the old wall and built a larger one that stands 8.5-ft. high by 313-ft. long.

From The Salvation Army Pakistan

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elsewhere in the world. australia—easter would have been difficult for 2 million australians who struggled to put food on the table. yet, thanks to foodbank australia, the salvation army provided meals and easter eggs. foodbank australia collects unsaleable, surplus and donated food and grocery products from farmers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and the public and distributes them to over 2,500 charities and community groups around australia. from the salvation the australia. czechoslovakia—the netherlands and czech republic territory opened approximately 200 additional centers this winter in the czech republic for homeless individuals needing to escape below-zero temperatures. army personnel brought in extra beds, and if no space existed for the beds, they offered clients a space in one of the day centers, which could only offer chairs but were a warm alternative to the freezing weather outside. salvationists also provided warm meals and drinks. in prague, army workers went into the streets to search for homeless, handing out blankets, warm clothing and food. from prapor spasy (battalion salvation), spring 2012. canada—jennifer and rob henson facilitate the celebrate recovery program at sunshine coast community church (the salvation army) in gibsons, british columbia. the program recognized its new graduates at a recent ceremony. three who finished the course attend the church. although recovery programs are typically associated with substance abuse, celebrate recovery includes components for people who struggle with eating disorders, sexual abuse, pride and lust. “ultimately, the power of celebrate recovery does not come from the program itself; it’s jesus, transforming our lives and working through them,” jennifer henson said. from salvationist.ca. pakistan—for 40 years the 5-foot wall around the pakistan territorial headquarters provided the facility with protection and privacy. in march, however, territorial leaders determined it no longer served these purposes and set about to increase its dimensions. ashiyian builder technology demolished the old wall and built a larger one that stands 8.5-ft. high by 313-ft. long. from the salvation army pakistan.
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