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HONG KONG—A live television concert in Hong Kong raised more than $3.3 million (USD) for The Salvation Army’s earthquake and tsunami response program in Japan.

Organized by celebrity Jackie Chan, the event—“Artiste 311 Love Beyond Borders”— featured actor/singer Andy Lau and actor Donnie Yen. Lionel Richie sang “Say You, Say Me” from Australia via satellite.

Chan paid for the plane tickets and accommodations for the overseas performers.

All profits from the concert went to the Army, primarily to supply emergency relief packs that include a 15-day supply of food and water, personal care products and blankets.

From salvationarmy.org/ihq


NEW ZEALAND—The Chevron Corporation Foundation donated $100,000 to The Salvation Army to help the recovery of New Zealand following the earthquakes that struck in September 2010 and February 2011. Army personnel are keeping the Chevron Corporation—which has partnered with The Salvation Army New Zealand for years—updated on the Army’s efforts in Christchurch and how the donation is being put to good use in the community.

Chevron has expressed interest in further involvement in supporting the recovery process.

From blog.salvationarmyusa.org


A tornado ripped through Auckland on May 3 causing extensive property damage and one death. The Salvation Army assisted people who were displaced from their homes. The country’s last serious twisters occurred four years ago.

From nzherald.co.nz


CZECH REPUBLIC—The Salvation Army’s former second-hand shop in the Prague 3 municipality was refurbished and opened as a handicraft workshop. Income from the sale of items will go toward community activities for seniors, children, women and men.

Captain Stana Knoflickova will use the workshop as an outreach tool to connect with people in the neighborhood.

From Prapor Spásy, spring 2011


ENGLAND—Majors David and Kathrijn Blowers have worked in Margate for a couple of years, especially with the Czech and Slovak congregation. Earlier this year the territorial commander for the U.K. with the Republic of Ireland announced that the Armada Spasy Plant Margate (London South East Division) will be recognized as a new corps plant. This is the start of building an official Czech-speaking Salvation Army corps in Margate.

From Prapor Spásy, spring 2011


CANADA—The Salvation Army’s Booth Residential Services in St. John, New Brunswick, is a shelter for men who are homeless or mentally ill, male foster children ages 16-18, refugees and government-assisted clients.

Last summer the residents planted a garden—the “Dignity Garden.” They plant, water and harvest. Through their labor they learn both social and basic life skills, and they realize their potential—leading to a sense of worth.

Growing in the garden are beet greens, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, squash, Swiss chard and green beans. Everything harvested goes back to the center for meals.

From salvationarmy.ca



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