“Destiny” claimed at Atlantic Congress

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Canada welcomes international leaders to the Atlantic Congress and Commissioning weekend.

Lt. Colonel Alf Richardson, divisional commander of Canada’s Newfoundland and Labrador Division, welcomed General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton, along with delegates, to the 2010 Atlantic Congress and Commissioning event—themed “Destiny”—held in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Supporting the international leaders were territorial leaders Commissioners William W. and Marilyn D. Francis.

Friday night’s service focused on children and youth. General Clifton addressed the need for holy courage, challenging both the youth and older Salvationists with the question, “How do you get holy courage? On your knees in prayer.” After his sermon, many gathered around the cross-shaped mercy seat.

Commissioner Clifton, world president of Women’s Ministries, led the Gathering of Women on Saturday morning while Colonel Floyd Tidd, chief secretary, led the Men’s Celebration. Later, the General and Commissioner Clifton attended a luncheon with the Honorable John C. Crosbie, lieutenant governor of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Saturday afternoon’s Celebration Carnival featured jumping castles, face painting and refreshments. That evening, 19 cadets from the Prayer Warriors Session were ordained and commissioned as Salvation Army officers.

At the Sunday morning holiness meeting, General Clifton asked the delegates what a holy life looked like, offering his answer: “Love one another as Jesus has loved you.”

Later, at the salvation meeting, representatives from each of the three Atlantic divisions gave testimonies. The General urged the corps officers present to “Let the people speak. This is how God raised us up. There is nothing like a powerful personal testimony.”

In closing, General Clifton urged Salvationists to secure their eternal destiny by giving their all to Christ. Then—joined by other senior leaders—he met hundreds of Salvationists at the mercy seat where he prayed over them.

From an international report by John McAlister

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