Summer camp is coming to the kids in Del Oro Division! Because no permanent divisional facility has yet been established, the summer camping program is taking to the road.
A full summer schedule awaits the staff and campers of the division, including Music Camp at Simpson Bible College. An enormous Salvation Army Youth Camp serving over 300 youngsters will be held at Lassen Pines Camp outside Redding. Community service camps are planned for 450 children at facilities in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Besides resident camping, the summer staff will be leading day camps. An entire week will be devoted to the children in the Reno area, concluding with a Fourth of July family picnic and Day Camp graduation.
The staff team will include a program director, Christian education director, nurse and recreation/craft director. Probably the most significant, front line positions are the counselors and program assistants/counselors in training. One potential staff member admitted his excitement at the prospect of traveling to the kids and thus reaching them closer to where they live.
At this time the Del Oro Division is looking for Christian young people to join the team for the summer of 1996.
If you want to be a part of a small group of young adults leading a large group of kids to fun, games and especially to Christ, send inquiries to:
THE SUMMIT Divisional Camping Program
Del Oro Division
Attention: Barb Harvey
PO Box 348000, Sacramento CA 95834-8000
or phone (916) 928-1062, ext. 3013.