CPAC meets in London

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First row (l-r): Commissioner James Knaggs, Commissioner Deise Eliasen, Commissioner Bill Cochrane, Lt. Colonel Eddie Hobgood. Second row (l-r): Major Drew McCombe, Lt. Colonel Keith Conrad, Lt. Colonel Kathy Hobgood, Captain Mark Hall (Bandmaster), Nick Simmons-Smith, Lt. Colonel Alan Read, Lt. Colonel Ralph Bukiewicz; (members not present for photo: Commissioner Aylene Finger, Colonel Benjamin Mnyampi, Colonel David Hinton and Lt. Colonel Edwin Masih)  Photo courtesy International Headquarters
First row (l-r): Commissioner James Knaggs, Commissioner Deise Eliasen, Commissioner Bill Cochrane, Lt. Colonel Eddie Hobgood.
Second row (l-r): Major Drew McCombe, Lt. Colonel Keith Conrad, Lt. Colonel Kathy Hobgood, Captain Mark Hall (Bandmaster), Nick Simmons-Smith, Lt. Colonel Alan Read, Lt. Colonel Ralph Bukiewicz; (members not present for photo: Commissioner Aylene Finger, Colonel Benjamin Mnyampi, Colonel David Hinton and Lt. Colonel Edwin Masih) Photo courtesy International Headquarters


The Congress Planning and Advisory Council (CPAC), which represents the five international zones of The Salvation Army, recently met at International Headquarters for a two-day exchange of ideas and strategies for the 2015 International Congress, to be held July 1-5 at the O2 Arena in London’s East End.

The Council considered topics ranging from accommodations to travel, schedule to outreach, and other issues that will constitute the building blocks of the observance of the 150th anniversary of The Salvation Army.

Recommendations from the CPAC will be presented to General Linda Bond for her input and decisions and will be implemented by the Congress office. The CPAC was chaired by the Congress Executive Officer, Commissioner Bill Cochrane, international secretary to the Chief of the Staff.

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