Commissioning 1998

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Apprenticeship Ends, ‘Builders’ Ready

PLEASED–Lieutenants Jorge and Deirdry Garnica are happy to hear they are appointed to San Pedro, California.

Edwards Ordains, Commissions
New Officers

Exciting weekend climaxes with assignments to first appointments

by Sue Schumann Warner –

Equipped with two years of education, experience and enthusiasm, the Builders of the Kingdom session of cadets proudly marched onto the front lines of Salvation Army service–commissioned, ordained, and appointed–ready to employ the spiritual tools of their calling in the saving of souls and building of God’s Kingdom.

Sunday’s services capped a weekend of events featuring commencement excercises, a territorial Prayer Summit and a musical family celebration, drawing throngs of Salvationists, families and friends from throughout the Territory.

Outstanding musical support throughout the weekend was provided by the Torrance Corps Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Ivor Bosanko. Songster leader Janette Bosanko directed the CFOT chorus.

“Dedication, ordination and commissioning are the most sacred moments in an officer’s career,” Commissioner David Edwards told the capacity crowd at the Cerritor Center for the Performing Arts, venue for the weekend’s events, as he addressed the audience at Sunday morning’s commissioning service. “It happens only once. Right now, we have the newest lieutenants in the Salvation Army world. That’s something to celebrate!”

And celebrate they did.

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DENVER, CO–Resident manager position available for couple at The Salvation



Salvationists, families and friends gathered for ceremonies marking the

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commissioning 1998. apprenticeship ends, ‘builders’ ready. pleased–lieutenants jorge and deirdry garnica are happy to hear they are appointed to san pedro, california. edwards ordains, commissions new officers exciting weekend climaxes with assignments to first appointments. by sue schumann warner –. equipped with two years of education, experience and enthusiasm, the builders of the kingdom session of cadets proudly marched onto the front lines of salvation army service–commissioned, ordained, and appointed–ready to employ the spiritual tools of their calling in the saving of souls and building of god’s kingdom. sunday’s services capped a weekend of events featuring commencement excercises, a territorial prayer summit and a musical family celebration, drawing throngs of salvationists, families and friends from throughout the territory. outstanding musical support throughout the weekend was provided by the torrance corps band, under the leadership of bandmaster ivor bosanko. songster leader janette bosanko directed the cfot chorus. “dedication, ordination and commissioning are the most sacred moments in an officer’s career,” commissioner david edwards told the capacity crowd at the cerritor center for the performing arts, venue for the weekend’s events, as he addressed the audience at sunday morning’s commissioning service. “it happens only once. right now, we have the newest lieutenants in the salvation army world. that’s something to celebrate!”. and celebrate they did.
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