Commissioners Hodder appointed to West

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Hodders to serve as USA Western Territorial leaders as of January 2017.

General André Cox appointed Commissioners Kenneth and Jolene Hodder as the West’s Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, respectively, as of Jan. 1, 2017.

The Hodders currently serve as territorial leaders in Kenya West, and will succeed Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs in the USA West upon the Knaggses’ retirement on Dec. 31.

Both of the Hodders—he a sixth-generation Salvationist—left their professions in 1986 and responded to God’s call to service as Salvation Army officers.

Kenneth Hodder, who graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School, practiced corporate and real estate law in Los Angeles with the law firm of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison. Jolene Hodder graduated from California State University, Los Angeles, with a degree in home economics (with a Certificate in Fashion Merchandising) after which she became a divisional manager for Carter, Hawley Hale.

Commissioned in 1988, they served in corps appointments in Glendale and Torrance, Calif., as instructors at the School for Officers Training, and later as staff officers at USA Western Territorial Headquarters. In 1997, they were appointed to Atlanta, Ga., for three years as coordinators for the International Millennial Congress.  Subsequently, they served at Southern California Divisional Headquarters in Los Angeles, and then as divisional leaders for the Cascade Division.

The Hodders were appointed in March 2006 to serve in the Kenya Territory. In his role as Chief Secretary, Kenneth Hodder assumed operational responsibility for the creation of the Kenya East and Kenya West Territories. Three years later, the Hodders were appointed to International Headquarters, where he served in dual roles as International Secretary for Personnel and as Legal and Constitutional Adviser to the General. He also served as a member of the International Moral and Social Issues Council. Jolene Hodder served as Associate International Secretary for Personnel and as secretary to the Chief’s Business Session.  They were subsequently appointed as the territorial leaders for Kenya West in January 2013.

The Hodders have one daughter, Jessica Fagerstrom, who holds a master’s degree in International Educational Development from Columbia University and now serves as Creative Arts Director for the USA Western Territory.


Comments 4

  1. I adore the service offered by the Hodders and May The Almighty God keep them safe, but i’ll miss them dearly

    1. I love the way our former territorial leaders here in Kenya West Territory Kenneth and Jolene Hodder’s services your are really stars in the world especially in the salvation army church. we loved you so much that we could not say. I’ll miss you as all. but we thank God you still serves Him.
      May God shower a lots of Blessings upon you and your family as whole

  2. I adore the service offered by the Hodders and May The Almighty God keep them safe, but i’ll miss them dearly

    1. I love the way our former territorial leaders here in Kenya West Territory Kenneth and Jolene Hodder’s services your are really stars in the world especially in the salvation army church. we loved you so much that we could not say. I’ll miss you as all. but we thank God you still serves Him.
      May God shower a lots of Blessings upon you and your family as whole

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commissioners hodder appointed to west. hodders to serve as usa western territorial leaders as of january 2017. general andré coxappointed commissioners kenneth and jolene hodder as the west’s territorial commander and territorial president of women’s ministries, respectively, as of jan. 1, 2017. the hodders currently serve as territorial leaders in kenya west, and will succeed commissioners james and carolyn knaggs in the usa west upon the knaggses’ retirement on dec. 31. both of the hodders—he a sixth-generation salvationist—left their professions in 1986 and responded to god’s call to service as salvation army officers. kenneth hodder, who graduatedfrom harvard collegeand harvard law school, practiced corporate and real estate law in los angeles with the law firm of brobeck, phleger harrison. jolene hodder graduated from california state university, los angeles, with a degree in home economics (with a certificate in fashion merchandising) after which she became a divisional manager for carter, hawley hale. commissioned in 1988, they served in corps appointments in glendale and torrance, calif., as instructors at the school for officers training, and later as staff officers at usa western territorial headquarters. in 1997, they were appointedto atlanta, ga., for three years as coordinators for the international millennial congress. subsequently, they served at southern california divisional headquarters in los angeles, and then as divisional leaders for the cascade division. thehodders were appointed in march 2006 to serve in the kenya territory. in his role as chief secretary, kenneth hodder assumed operational responsibility for the creation of the kenya east and kenya west territories. three years later, the hodders were appointed to international headquarters, where heserved in dual roles as international secretary for personnel and as legal and constitutional adviser to the general. he also served as a member of the international moral and social issues council. jolene hodder served as associate international secretary for personnel and as secretary to the chief’s business session. they were subsequently appointed as the territorial leaders for kenya west in january 2013. thehodders have one daughter, jessica fagerstrom, who holds a master’s degree in international educational development from columbia university and now serves as creative arts director for the usa western territory.
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