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Corps enroll junior soldiers, adherents and senior soldiers.

Chico Corps

On Easter Sunday, Chico (Calif.) Corps Officers Captains Darren and Courtney Stratton enrolled three junior soldiers, 12 adherents and two senior soldiers.

Senior soldiers Jodene Setera and Timothy Simeroth are the first soldiers to originate from the corps’ Adult Rehabilitation Program (ARP).

Setera and Simeroth came to the ARP three years ago, both with a lifetime of addiction.

Attending the church as part of their “tools of recovery,” both accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and became adherents. They completed the program over two years ago and, since then, have been leading youth groups, the worship team and scouting programs.

“[This] is the next step in developing my spiritual discipline and I take the pledge seriously…I am honored to be a soldier in our Army and be a part of all it stands for,” Setera said.

Simeroth commented on his reason for becoming a soldier: “For me, I felt it was a calling from God and will serve as a next step in obedience to him.”


Tucson Temple Corps

The Tucson (Ariz.) Temple Corps’ Easter celebration included the enrollment of six senior soldiers, two adherents and one junior soldier.

Corps Officer Major Evangeline Leslie officiated at the swearing in of John Switzer, Sandra Switzer, Bob Buckley, Michele Evans, Mary Jo Lilyquist, George Payton, James Deyoe and James Switzer.

Guests were Majors Preston and Bonita Rider, Southwest divisional secretary for business and divisional women’s ministries secretary, respectively.

Rider commissioned five new local officers: David Landry, welcome sergeant; Mary Jo Lilyquist, women’s ministries secretary; Paul Lilyquist, treasurer and Sunday school teacher; Joan Loveless, Community Care Ministries secretary; and Heather St-Aimé, young people’s sergeant-major.

Senior soldier, Gless Roth, recommitted herself to The Salvation Army and was reinstated to the ranks of the corps after being sworn in as a soldier many years ago.


Pomona Corps

During a visit to the Pomona (Calif.) Corps this spring, the Western Territory’s Chief Secretary Colonel William Harfoot conducted the enrollment of five junior soldiers: Felipe Delvasto, Lina Delvasto, David Delvasto, Jocelyn Hernandez and Elena Lafleur.

The corps band performed as well as the newly formed songsters and timbrel brigade.

Captains Moy and Erika Hernandez are the corps officers.


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