Clausens visit Western Territory

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International Secretary for Americas


COLONEL DONALD SATHER introduces Commissioners Siegfried and Inger Clausen to THQ staff.

Commissioners Siegfried Clausen, international secretary for the Americas and Caribbean, accompanied by his wife, Commissioner Inger Clausen, secretary of women’s organizations for the same region, met with territorial staff in conjunction with their duties and spoke at various events in southern California.

Officer careers of this couple reveal close to 30 years experience in appointments throughout South America, Central America and Mexico, climaxed with leadership of the Latin America North Territory. They reacquainted themselves with the Army in Europe as territorial leaders prior to assuming their current assignments at international headquarters.

In brief remarks at the territorial headquarters chapel service, Clausen reminded the officers and employees of the need for all of us to put our love for Christ into action. He told the story of returning to Europe from Mexico and discovering their 25-year marriage in Santiago, Chile was not legally Commissioners Siegfried Clausen, international secretary for the Americas and Caribbean, accompanied by his wife, Commissioner Inger Clausen, secretary of women’s organizations for the same region, met with territorial staff in conjunction with their duties and spoke at various events in southern California.

Officer careers of this couple reveal close to 30 years experience in appointments throughout South America, Central America and Mexico, climaxed with leadership of the Latin America North Territory. They reacquainted themselves with the Army in Europe as territorial leaders prior to assuming their current assignments at inter-national headquarters.

In brief remarks at the territorial headquarters chapel service, Clausen reminded the officers and employees of the need for all of us to put our love for Christ into action. He told the story of returning to Europe from Mexico and discovering their 25-year marriage in Santiago, Chile was not legally recognized in Germany. The easiest solution was to be remarried. He said to his wife: “Will you marry me?” and, with a twinkle in her eye, she asked him: “Do you really love me?”

Clausen continued: “Jesus posed a similar question to Peter on a quiet afternoon by the lake. ‘Do you really love me?’ he asked. Peter replied: “Yes, Lord, you know I do.” Jesus then challenged him to show it in his behavior. “Let us love one another, since love comes from God– and God is love,” Clausen said.

Clausen also spoke to the territorial executive council, the El Monte Corps and to the Southern California divisional Latino Rally.

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