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TWIN FALLS, IDA.–Corps Helper: Must be a self-motivated Salvationist and have knowledge of Salvation Army programs. Salary is negotiable. Send résumé to Captain Roger Davis, P.O. Box 166, Twin Falls, Ida., 83303.

TEXAS DIVISION–Computerized Accounting Specialist: Finance Department. Will serve as liaison to all field units who have computerized accounting programs and those units preparing to install computerized accounting. Job functions include training, troubleshooting, installation, and general assistance. Degree and two years experience working on computerized accounting required. Knowledge of Lotus 1-2-3, communications software and personal computers in general is essential. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Send résumé to: Captain James Seiler, The Salvation Army Texas Division, P.O. Box 2608, Dallas TX 75221, or fax: (214) 353-0637.

MODESTO, CA.–Creative Ministry Director: Modesto Red Shield. A growing family church and youth center located in South Modesto, Central California. We have a wide variety of activities throughout the week with the ultimate goal of enabling individuals to grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to come to know his saving grace. We are searching and praying for a mature individual or couple to join our team in ministry for one (1) year. Responsibilities will include teaching and leading our worship team and formulating creative ministry groups.(e.g. drama, signing, musical team, etc.) Also, some responsibility for teaching Bible study groups and assisting with youth programs. Salary negotiable, depending on experience and education. For more information or to apply, contact: Lt. Richard Larson at (209) 538-7111.

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classified. twin falls, ida.–corps helper: must be a self-motivated salvationist and have knowledge of salvation army programs. salary is negotiable. send résumé to captain roger davis, p.o. box 166, twin falls, ida., 83303. texas division–computerized accounting specialist: finance department. will serve as liaison to all field units who have computerized accounting programs and those units preparing to install computerized accounting. job functions include training, troubleshooting, installation, and general assistance. degree and two years experience working on computerized accounting required. knowledge of lotus 1-2-3, communications software and personal computers in general is essential. salary is commensurate with education and experience. send résumé to: captain james seiler, the salvation army texas division, p.o. box 2608, dallas tx 75221, or fax: (214) 353-0637. modesto, ca.–creative ministry director: modesto red shield. a growing family church and youth center located in south modesto, central california. we have a wide variety of activities throughout the week with the ultimate goal of enabling individuals to grow in the knowledge of the lord jesus christ and to come to know his saving grace. we are searching and praying for a mature individual or couple to join our team in ministry for one (1) year. responsibilities will include teaching and leading our worship team and formulating creative ministry groups.(e.g. drama, signing, musical team, etc.) also, some responsibility for teaching bible study groups and assisting with youth programs. salary negotiable, depending on experience and education. for more information or to apply, contact: lt. richard larson at (209) 538-7111.
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