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SEATTLE ARC–Bookkeeping Position. Applicants should have a combination of applicable experience and education. Computer experience highly desired. Further information at (206) 587-0503. Resumes to The Salvation Army,
P.O. Box 3756, Seattle. WA 98124

VISALIA, CA–Youth Worker/Program Assistant. Be part of a growing ministry with young people at the “Gateway to the Sequoias.” Self starter and highly motivated individual with some college experience wanted to join our ministry team. Responsibilities of the position include continuing development of troop programs, expanding programs into outlying areas, working with local school officials in development of after-school programs, and developing leadership within an already successful teen program. Impact a child’s life! Salary negotiable. Call Lt. Sonja Stires today! (209) 733-2784.

VISALIA, CA– Office Manager/Case Worker. Looking for a paid ministry position, but only able to work part time? Here it is! The Visalia Corps is looking for a highly organized, friendly individual to help manage the corps office, develop a case management program for social services office, and work in cooperation with other agencies in town. If you enjoy working with the public and see the Army’s social program as a ministry, this just may be what you’ve been looking for! Previous office experience a must! Bi-lingual a plus! Salary negotiable. Call Lt. Sonja Stires today! (209) 733-2784.

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classified. seattle arc–bookkeeping position. applicants should have a combination of applicable experience and education. computer experience highly desired. further information at (206) 587-0503. resumes to the salvation army, p.o. box 3756, seattle. wa 98124. visalia, ca–youth worker/program assistant. be part of a growing ministry with young people at the “gateway to the sequoias.” self starter and highly motivated individual with some college experience wanted to join our ministry team. responsibilities of the position include continuing development of troop programs, expanding programs into outlying areas, working with local school officials in development of after-school programs, and developing leadership within an already successful teen program. impact a child’s life! salary negotiable. call lt. sonja stires today! (209) 733-2784. visalia, ca– office manager/case worker. looking for a paid ministry position, but only able to work part time? here it is! the visalia corps is looking for a highly organized, friendly individual to help manage the corps office, develop a case management program for social services office, and work in cooperation with other agencies in town. if you enjoy working with the public and see the army’s social program as a ministry, this just may be what you’ve been looking for! previous office experience a must! bi-lingual a plus! salary negotiable. call lt. sonja stires today! (209) 733-2784.
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