Christian Leaders call for unity

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New petition stresses need for partnership.

Following the results of a divisive presidential election that strained many emotions and left many wondering what to do next, Commissioner David Jeffrey, National Commander of The Salvation Army, signed a petition along with many other Christian leaders, vowing to come together to find solutions to the challenges confronting our country.

Jeffrey, along with Bishop Claude Alexander, Bishop John R. Bryant, Jim Wallis and others, acknowledged that despite differing beliefs and opinions, they have a responsibility as men and women of faith to come together in the healing of our nation. The statement reads: “Above our Democratic, Republican, and Independent political affiliations, we are believers in Christ’s call to be honorable citizens and peacemakers, who seek the prosperity of our nation. We affirm that the Constitution, which guarantees our religious freedoms, allows us to have differing beliefs and opinions, and is the document that maintains the unity and civility of our nation.”

The statement continues on, calling Congress to represent the interests of the people of the U.S. and “end the toxic gridlock.”

“We commit ourselves to pray God’s granting of wisdom to the incoming President, the Congress, and the Courts, as well as to hold both elected branches of government accountable to the promises they made, to lead and work on behalf of all of the citizens of this great nation.”

The petition will be delivered to the Democratic and Republican National Committees upon receiving 200 signatures.

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