Chief of the Staff Commissioner William Roberts and Commissioner Nancy Roberts, world secretary for women’s ministries, visited the Bellshill Corps in the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland to dedicate refurbished and extended building that will increase The Salvation Army’s presence in the Scottish town.
Following a ribbon-cutting ceremony, the Chief unveiled a plaque in the foyer before the assembled crowd moved into the new worship hall for the dedication meeting, led by corps officers Majors Chris and Lynda Connelly. The old hall was refurbished to allow for a variety of uses, and it has now been joined by a brand-new worship hall. The new facilities will allow the corps to extend its community program, with plans in place to use the extensive foyer as a drop-in center.
In the meeting, Bellshill Band premièred “God’s Covenanters,” which had been written for the occasion by Paul Drury from Edinburgh Gorgie Corps.

The Robertses encouraged Salvationists and friends of Bellshill Corps to celebrate, and to allow God to lead them in mission to do a new thing in Bellshill. People responded to the challenge by kneeling in prayer at the new mercy seat, which was designed by the architect to fit in with the look of the new worship hall.
“Commissioner Nancy and I were pleased and honored to be part of this significant and historic occasion at Bellshill Corps,” said William Roberts. “We sensed a joyful and committed Salvationism, with a desire to make Christ known to the community. The new corps hall is the tangible result of that commitment, and we envisage Spirit-led growth developing from a facility dedicated to the glory of God for the saving of lives.”