Chang Identifies Congress Goals

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In his first meeting with members of the Congress Planning Committee, Commissioner Peter H. Chang identified three goals for the 1997 Great Western Victory Congress.

First and foremost, said the Territorial Commander, the Congress should honor the Lord. As Christ’s disciples, our greatest desire is to give glory to the name of our Savior, and the Congress must be no exception.

Second, the Congress should encourage every delegate. Commissioner Chang instructed the committee to structure the weekend in such a way that the Holy Spirit will re-energize the mind and spirit of all who attend. In other words, the Congress should improve our morale as a fighting force for God.

Third, the Congress should celebrate the continuing growth of the territory. The dramatic achievements of MISSION2000, particularly through the corps planting and People Count! initiatives, have broadened and deepened the Army’s ministry in every corner of the territory. Thus, said Chang, there is good reason for officers, soldiers, and friends to gather and celebrate the victories that our faith in Christ has produced.

In response to the Commissioner’s charge, the chief secretary, Colonel Dennis L. Phillips, pledged that the committee would see to it that all of those goals were accomplished.

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chang identifies congress goals. in his first meeting with members of the congress planning committee, commissioner peter h. chang identified three goals for the 1997 great western victory congress. first and foremost, said the territorial commander, the congress should honor the lord. as christ’s disciples, our greatest desire is to give glory to the name of our savior, and the congress must be no exception. second, the congress should encourage every delegate. commissioner chang instructed the committee to structure the weekend in such a way that the holy spirit will re-energize the mind and spirit of all who attend. in other words, the congress should improve our morale as a fighting force for god. third, the congress should celebrate the continuing growth of the territory. the dramatic achievements of mission2000, particularly through the corps planting and people count! initiatives, have broadened and deepened the army’s ministry in every corner of the territory. thus, said chang, there is good reason for officers, soldiers, and friends to gather and celebrate the victories that our faith in christ has produced. in response to the commissioner’s charge, the chief secretary, colonel dennis l. phillips, pledged that the committee would see to it that all of those goals were accomplished.
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