Challenging Evil Podcast: Fair Trade

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[divider]Episode 3[/divider]

Exploring fair trade and The Salvation Army’s Others project.

Follow along with chapter three of “Challenging Evil: Dispatches from the frontline of Radical Justice” and download the discussion guide.

[button color=”black” size=”normal” alignment=”center” rel=”follow” openin=”newwindow” url=”″]Download the Episode[/button] [divider]Guests[/divider] Major Danielle Strickland –  The Salvation Army USA Western Territory Social Justice Secretary and coauthor of “Challenging Evil: Dispatches from the frontline of Radial Justice”

Colonel Richard Munn – The Salvation Army USA Eastern Territory Secretary for Theology and Christian Ethics.

April Foster – Others – Trade for Hope Director in the United States.

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challenging evil podcast: fair trade. [divider]episode 3[/divider]. exploring fair trade andthe salvation army’s others project. follow along with chapter threeof “challenging evil: dispatches from the frontline of radical justice” and download the discussion guide. [button color=”black” size=”normal” alignment=”center” rel=”follow” openin=”newwindow” url=” the episode[/button] [divider]guests[/divider] major danielle strickland – the salvation army usa western territory social justicesecretary and coauthor of“challenging evil: dispatches from the frontline of radial justice” colonel richard munn –the salvation army usa eastern territory secretary for theology and christian ethics. april foster – others– trade for hope director in the united states.
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