CFOT cadets and staff joined together to dedicate the newly refurbished cadet center to the memory of Major James Bradley, who was promoted to Glory on September 30, 1996. Bradley was the territorial youth and candidates’ secretary at the time of his death and had served on the CFOT staff for several years.
Bradley’s widow, Major Charleen Bradley, CFOT health services officer, cut the ribbon and welcomed the cadets into the spacious lounge and game area. She thanked the Cadet Council for “wanting to dedicate the center in the memory of such a joyful, fun, loving human being.” She especially noted the contribution of Lt. Scott Hamel, who along with his wife lead the Army’s work in Hanapepe, Hawaii, and Majors Linda and Terry Griffin, CFOT administrators, who worked to bring the project to fruition.
“Joy and laughter were very much a part of Jim’s life,” Bradley said, “and he demonstrated in his life that suffering teaches us the meaning of the Cross of Christ.”
Territorial Chief Secretary Colonel Dennis Phillips observed: “Wouldn’t Jim have loved this occasion? He truly was a hero for our time.” In dedicating the room, Phillips noted that, in reality, the only thing we can dedicate in life is ourselves as we seek to sanctify ourselves in service to God and humanity.
Framed by his session flag, the Companions of Christ, with wording by Bradley’s son, Ethan, hangs a commemorative plaque on which is written: “The Bradley Center. This Center stands as a tribute to the life of Jim Bradley. May it be a place of fellowship, fun and laughter which were attributes of his life. Phillipians 4:4-7.”
Joining in the celebration was Bradley’s mother, Faith. On behalf of Commissioner Kay F. Rader, international leader of Army women’s programs, Lt. Colonel Sherryl Van Cleef, director of women’s organizations for the Southern California Division, presented her with a gold star identifying her as the mother of an officer promoted to Glory while on active duty. Also present were Bradley’s sister, Janine, and his son, Eric.