Cathedral City unveils EDS canteen

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State-of-the-art unit to serve desert communities.

by Suzi Lacey – 

(l-r) Lt. Colonel Doug O’Brien, Captain Saul Doria, Dick Davis, Beverly Davis, Major George Hood, EDS Director Don Read

A red ribbon was cut with gigantic scissors as The Salvation Army in Cathedral City, Calif., unveiled a new state-of-the-art emergency disaster vehicle to serve the desert. The ceremony took place at the annual donor appreciation luncheon at The Salvation Army Dick and Beverly Davis Corps Community Center in Cathedral City.

The EDS (Emergency Disaster Service) canteen—or mobile kitchen—is equipped to provide meals, water, ice, and snacks during a disaster. With a commercial oven, 20 cubic-foot refrigerator, grill, stove, coffee maker, and generator, up to 100 pizzas can be served in four minutes!

As guests began arriving at the unveiling, Salvation Army officers greeted them with refreshments served from three emergency disaster vehicles before unveiling the new EDS mobile kitchen. Three TV stations were on hand to cover the ceremony and interview Major George Hood, national director of Community Relations and Development and the keynote speaker at the luncheon. In “Hard Work, Head Work, Heart Work,” he spoke about the Army’s role during disasters and shared powerful stories on the Army’s growing relationship with the national media and President George W. Bush.

After a musical presentation by Salvation Army officers, Lt. Colonel Doug O’Brien, Sierra del Mar divisional commander, thanked all the donors who make the Army’s good works possible. He congratulated National Advisory Board lifetime members Dick and Pat Tucker and expressed special gratitude to Dick and Beverly Davis, whose gift made possible the purchase of the new emergency disaster vehicle.

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cathedral city unveils eds canteen. state-of-the-art unit to serve desert communities. by suzi lacey –. (l-r) lt. colonel doug o’brien, captain saul doria, dick davis, beverly davis, major george hood, eds director don read a red ribbon was cut with gigantic scissors as the salvation army in cathedral city, calif., unveiled a new state-of-the-art emergency disaster vehicle to serve the desert. the ceremony took place at the annual donor appreciation luncheon at the salvation army dick and beverly davis corps community center in cathedral city. the eds (emergency disaster service) canteen—or mobile kitchen—is equipped to provide meals, water, ice, and snacks during a disaster. with a commercial oven, 20 cubic-foot refrigerator, grill, stove, coffee maker, and generator, up to 100 pizzas can be served in four minutes! as guests began arriving at the unveiling, salvation army officers greeted them with refreshments served from three emergency disaster vehicles before unveiling the new eds mobile kitchen. three tv stations were on hand to cover the ceremony and interview major george hood, national director of community relations and development and the keynote speaker at the luncheon. in “hard work, head work, heart work,” he spoke about the army’s role during disasters and shared powerful stories on the army’s growing relationship with the national media and president george w. bush. after a musical presentation by salvation army officers, lt. colonel doug o’brien, sierra del mar divisional commander, thanked all the donors who make the army’s good works possible. he congratulated national advisory board lifetime members dick and pat tucker and expressed special gratitude to dick and beverly davis, whose gift made possible the purchase of the new emergency disaster vehicle.
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