Cash for Clunkers keeps people warm

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In partnership with The Salvation Army, Columbia Sportswear’s new Cash for Clunkers program encourages people to donate an old, less technologically-sound waterproof jacket in exchange for $50 toward the purchase of a new ultrabreathable waterproof Dry.Q Elite jacket from a participating Mountain Hardware retailer.

A Facebook contest offers the chance for participants to tell the story of their old jacket and its donation through photos, words and video. Stories will be voted on, and the five storytellers who receive the most votes will win a free Dry.Q Elite jacket. See more:

Donate that jacket you no longer use, but that someone else could, at a Mountain Hardware retailer or directly to a Salvation Army unit. The jackets will be given to individuals in need through Salvation Army social service programs and sold in thrift stores to support drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.

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