Caring’s first image contest open for submissions

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In anticipation of the spring 2012 issue on generations, Caring is holding its first-ever image contest. Submissions should capture generational changes in The Salvation Army throughout the last century and will be accepted in three formats: photography, altered images and mixed media. The winning image will receive a spread in the spring issue; second and third place images will also be printed in the issue.

Please send image submissions to or by mail to 180 East Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802. The deadline for all submissions is Jan. 7, 2012.

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caring’s first image contest open for submissions. in anticipation of the spring 2012 issue on generations, caring is holding its first-ever image contest. submissions should capture generational changes in the salvation army throughout the last century and will be accepted in three formats: photography, altered images and mixed media. the winning image will receive a spread in the spring issue; second and third place images will also be printed in the issue. please send image submissions to or by mail to 180 east ocean blvd., long beach, ca 90802. the deadline for all submissions is jan. 7, 2012. connect with caring regularly at
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