With a focus intended to advance the Army’s holistic ministry to the desperate and deprived of society, the four social service secretaries in each of the four U.S. territories serve as consulting editors.
“In my judgment, Caring will be an ideal publication for distribution to advisory board members, foundations and other funding sources, corps officers seeking ideas to integrate ministry, social work professionals and volunteers, and donors,” stated Robert Docter, New Frontier and Caring editor.
The new format will give the journal an appearance much more like Time magazine than the academic style formerly used. It will feature stories of innovative practices, new ideas, testimonies, which reveal the holistic nature of the Army’s temporal and spiritual programs. These stories, written between 300 and 600 words each, will be reported in “departments” of the magazine such as addiction programs, homelessness, current social issues, volunteerism, passages — from birth to death, current research (etc.)
Caring will publish four times a year with an annual subscription rate expected to be $30.
For subscription information call 562/491-8351