Capacity Attendance Jams Mt. Crags for So. Cal. Music School

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Drum Roll
By Helen Ridgewell –

DRUM ROLLS–Percussion instruction was a vital part of the curriculum at the Southern California School of Music.

Over 160 budding Army musicians jammed the Southern California Division’s Mt. Crags Camp to receive intensive instruction in brass, vocal, percussion and timbrel technique and music theory at the annual summer School of Music according to Divisional Music Director Chris Mallett.

Special guests David and Sarah Daws greeted the capacity enrollment and provided instruction for the young musicians who brought with them a wide range of musical talent and skills. Mallett was assisted by his wife, Faye, and a faculty of highly competent and experienced volunteer Army musicians.

On Monday evening, in addition to scintillating cornet solo performances throughout the week, Daws presented a well-attended master class, offering instruction and useful hints for budding soloists. Fifteen year-old junior staff member Ryan White (Tustin Ranch) was a courageous and willing participant in David’s brass technique demonstration.

“This is the first music camp our division has held separately from Sierra Del Mar,” Mallett said, “and we are grateful for the tremendous interest and support shown by corps officers, bandmasters and youth choir directors throughout the division.” Mallett praised the outstanding contribution Daws brought to the school’s instructional program.

As Captains Don and Ronda Gilger, divisional youth leaders, assisted Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Alfred Van Cleef in the presentation of top awards, it became apparent they were a “family affair.” Senior and Junior Outstanding Musicians were sisters, Kim and Ashley Van Kranenberg (San Luis Obispo). Denise Lum (Torrance) shared the senior Honor Camper trophy with Joy Lee (L.A. Korean), who was pleased to see her younger brother, Peter, receive the junior award.

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