Canada invites North Americans to explore ROOTS

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Have we lost our edge?

Is The Salvation Army fully committed to the war for lost souls?

rootsThis summer SAROOTS.CA, a mission-focused renewal conference, will fan the Army’s flame. Its goals are two-fold: to encourage spiritual renewal in The Salvation Army and to equip Salvationists for mission. Delegates will question: Can the Army return to its roots and live the mission? As Ezekiel 37:3 puts it, “can these dry bones live?”

SAROOTS.CA is an ignition point. From June 28-July 1, 2002, the conference will challenge Salvationists from Canada, Bermuda, the United States and beyond, to revisit the vision and mission of The Salvation Army.

During this family-oriented conference, keynote speakers will include Dr. Tony Campolo, Phil Wall and Russell Rook. Delegates will experience high quality teaching and preaching.

SAROOTS.CA will be held at Bingemans, a family resort in Kitchener, Ontario (geographically between Buffalo, NY and Detroit, MI). The event offers venues for all family members.

SAROOTS.CA represents Salvation Army Roots in Canada and is the first North American expression of ROOTS, which originated in the United Kingdom. For those in the Army who no longer find “business as usual” good enough, and who want the Army to grow and to more effectively reach the lost, ROOTS examines creative and novel ways of achieving these aims.

Register online at Send questions electronically to sa_r_ o_ o_ t or by mail to SAROOTS.CA, 77 River St., Toronto, Ontario, M5A 3P1 Canada. By phone, call 1-416-304-1982, or fax to 1-416-366-5983. Book directly through Bingemans by calling 1-800-667-0833.

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canada invites north americans to explore roots. june 28 – july 1, kitchner, ontario. have we lost our edge? is the salvation army fully committed to the war for lost souls? this summer, a mission-focused renewal conference, will fan the army’s flame. its goals are two-fold: to encourage spiritual renewal in the salvation army and to equip salvationists for mission. delegates will question: can the army return to its roots and live the mission? as ezekiel 37:3 puts it, “can these dry bones live?”. is an ignition point. from june 28-july 1, 2002, the conference will challenge salvationists from canada, bermuda, the united states and beyond, to revisit the vision and mission of the salvation army. during this family-oriented conference, keynote speakers will include dr. tony campolo, phil wall and russell rook. delegates will experience high quality teaching and preaching. will be held at bingemans, a family resort in kitchener, ontario (geographically between buffalo, ny and detroit, mi). the event offers venues for all family members. represents salvation army roots in canada and is the first north american expression of roots, which originated in the united kingdom. for those in the army who no longer find “business as usual” good enough, and who want the army to grow and to more effectively reach the lost, roots examines creative and novel ways of achieving these aims. register online at send questions electronically to sa_r_ o_ o_ t or by mail to, 77 river st., toronto, ontario, m5a 3p1 canada. by phone, call 1-416-304-1982, or fax to 1-416-366-5983. book directly through bingemans by calling 1-800-667-0833.
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