Bridgebuilders set for service

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by Donna Jackson, Major – 

Bridge (brij) n. a thing (or person) that provides connection, contact, or transition.

Builder (bil’d r) n. a person in the business of construction.

In an act of faith two years ago, 25 men and women, some with children, crossed bridges—leaving homes, families, friends, careers, churches and all things familiar so that they could build a bridge to God that the down-and-out, up-and-in, marginalized, traumatized, sin-sick, broken and whole might cross.

These committed Christian men and women will be ordained and commissioned as Bridgebuilders—people who will, in partnership with God, assist others to reconstruct their lives as they connect to the one who with his very life, bridged the gap between man and God.

Crossing an educational bridge, the cadets will receive a certificate of completion of the training course at the Commencement service held in the Rose Garden at Crestmont College on Friday morning, June 18. Additionally, those who have met the academic requirements will receive the AA in Ministries Degree. At a private luncheon, parents of the second year cadets will be welcomed as members of the Fellowship of the Silver Star.

The Dedication and Ordination of the Bridgebuilders on Saturday morning at the First Church of the Nazarene in Pasadena is especially significant and solemn. During this service, the cadets publicly dedicate themselves to God and to service in The Salvation Army. Individually affirmed in God’s ordination, each will be commissioned to the work of building bridges for God and to God in the Western Territory.

Saturday evening is an exciting Celebration of Service. A montage of Larsson/Gowans music will be presented, and the new captains of the Bridgebuilders Session receive their first appointments.

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bridgebuilders set for service. by donna jackson, major –. bridge (brij) n. a thing (or person) that provides connection, contact, or transition. builder (bil’d r) n. a person in the business of construction. in an act of faith two years ago, 25 men and women, some with children, crossed bridges—leaving homes, families, friends, careers, churches and all things familiar so that they could build a bridge to god that the down-and-out, up-and-in, marginalized, traumatized, sin-sick, broken and whole might cross. these committed christian men and women will be ordained and commissioned as bridgebuilders—people who will, in partnership with god, assist others to reconstruct their lives as they connect to the one who with his very life, bridged the gap between man and god. crossing an educational bridge, the cadets will receive a certificate of completion of the training course at the commencement service held in the rose garden at crestmont college on friday morning, june 18. additionally, those who have met the academic requirements will receive the aa in ministries degree. at a private luncheon, parents of the second year cadets will be welcomed as members of the fellowship of the silver star. the dedication and ordination of the bridgebuilders on saturday morning at the first church of the nazarene in pasadena is especially significant and solemn. during this service, the cadets publicly dedicate themselves to god and to service in the salvation army. individually affirmed in god’s ordination, each will be commissioned to the work of building bridges for god and to god in the western territory. saturday evening is an exciting celebration of service. a montage of larsson/gowans music will be presented, and the new captains of the bridgebuilders session receive their first appointments.
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