Bollwahns named divisional leaders

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New leadership appointed for Southern California.

by Jeff Curnow – 

On Wednesday, April 26, Lt. Colonel Donald C. Bell, chief secretary, announced, on behalf of Territorial Commander Commissioner Philip Swyers, the new leaders for the Southern California Division.

Effective July 1, 2006, Lt. Colonel Paul Bollwahn, ACSW, CSWM, will be the divisional commander and Lt. Colonel Ronda Bollwahn, MA, will be the divisional director of Women’s Ministries. The Bollwahns will take the leadership roles following the appointment and promotion of Majors Paul and Carol Seiler to the rank of Lt. Colonel and the roles of chief secretary and territorial secretary for Women’s Ministries for the USA Central Territory.

Bell’s welcome of the Bollwahns to the West notes the Bollwahns’ distinctive service at National Headquarters as national Social Services secretary and associate National Social Services Secretary and Consultant for Volunteers & Older Adult Ministries.

At NHQ, the Bollwahns provided consultation, were the inter-organizational liaison with 35 national organizations and coalitions and provided legislative representation and professional support to Salvation Army leadership and national committees and commissions.

Throughout their career, the Bollwahns have consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to the holistic ministries of The Salvation Army. In a recent article in Caring magazine Paul (with Major John Cheydleur) outlined his position on leadership and fulfilling The Salvation Army’s mission:

“It is widely recognized that The Salvation Army impacts the lives of millions of people for good with its multi-dimensional approach to expressed human need.

“What is less easily recognized is that this multi-dimensional approach also serves as a vehicle for significant spiritual impact, opening the door for thousands of people to reaffirm their faith or be led to a first-time saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

“We accept responsibility for the total Salvation Army mission and vision—to see that all aspects of it get fulfilled. We expect it! Our seekers of help, employees, soldiers and officers expect it! God expects it! … Where we deliver services that meet basic human needs, teach children, or preach to adults, we share a common commitment: that Jesus Christ shall have the preeminence.

“God continues to bless The Salvation Army when we are faithful to every aspect of our holistic ministry and are prepared for newcomers to our congregation. Our circle of spiritual community must remain open and welcoming to the least and lost who seek our love and compassion.

“The Salvation Army’s touch on lives in need is unique. We serve without discrimination in the name of Christ. It is our strength. We celebrate it.”

Ronda was trained at Olivet Nazarene University, The Salvation Army College for Officers Training and at Norwich University.

Paul was trained at the University of Nebraska, Olivet Nazarene University, Olivet Graduate School of Religion, The Salvation Army College for Officer Training, McCormick Theological Seminary and the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Illinois – Chicago.

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bollwahns named divisional leaders. new leadership appointed for southern california. by jeff curnow –. on wednesday, april 26, lt. colonel donald c. bell, chief secretary, announced, on behalf of territorial commander commissioner philip swyers, the new leaders for the southern california division. effective july 1, 2006, lt. colonel paul bollwahn, acsw, cswm, will be the divisional commander and lt. colonel ronda bollwahn, ma, will be the divisional director of women’s ministries. the bollwahns will take the leadership roles following the appointment and promotion of majors paul and carol seiler to the rank of lt. colonel and the roles of chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries for the usa central territory. bell’s welcome of the bollwahns to the west notes the bollwahns’ distinctive service at national headquarters as national social services secretary and associate national social services secretary and consultant for volunteers older adult ministries. at nhq, the bollwahns provided consultation, were the inter-organizational liaison with 35 national organizations and coalitions and provided legislative representation and professional support to salvation army leadership and national committees and commissions. throughout their career, the bollwahns have consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to the holistic ministries of the salvation army. in a recent article in caring magazine paul (with major john cheydleur) outlined his position on leadership and fulfilling the salvation army’s mission:. “it is widely recognized that the salvation army impacts the lives of millions of people for good with its multi-dimensional approach to expressed human need. “what is less easily recognized is that this multi-dimensional approach also serves as a vehicle for significant spiritual impact, opening the door for thousands of people to reaffirm their faith or be led to a first-time saving knowledge of jesus christ. “we accept responsibility for the total salvation army mission and vision—to see that all aspects of it get fulfilled. we expect it! our seekers of help, employees, soldiers and officers expect it! god expects it! … where we deliver services that meet basic human needs, teach children, or preach to adults, we share a common commitment: that jesus christ shall have the preeminence. “god continues to bless the salvation army when we are faithful to every aspect of our holistic ministry and are prepared for newcomers to our congregation. our circle of spiritual community must remain open and welcoming to the least and lost who seek our love and compassion. “the salvation army’s touch on lives in need is unique. we serve without discrimination in the name of christ. it is our strength. we celebrate it.”. ronda was trained at olivet nazarene university, the salvation army college for officers training and at norwich university. paul was trained at the university of nebraska, olivet nazarene university, olivet graduate school of religion, the salvation army college for officer training, mccormick theological seminary and the jane addams graduate school of social work at the university of illinois – chicago.
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