Better Business Bureau certifies NHQ

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Alliance says Army is safe for donors.

National Headquarters (NHQ) recently became certified by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. The organization seeks to help donors make informed giving decisions and to advance high standards of conduct among organizations that solicit contributions from the public.

“It was the mission of William and Catherine Booth to bring salvation to the poor and destitute. While our goal in the 21st century has not changed, it is important that The Salvation Army be responsible for the proper management of its finances, programs, operations, and fundraising efforts,” said Major Ron Strickland, secretary for business administration in the West.

To be accredited, an organization must meet 20 standards for charity accountability, including board oversight, disclosed financial statements, board-approved annual budget, and spend at least 65 percent of total expenses on program activities. An evaluative report by the Alliance summarizes a charity’s programs, finances, governance and fundraising practices.

NHQ met these standards and received accreditation.

“As a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, we must continue to operate on a higher level of financial and operational accountability,” Strickland said. “With a certification from the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, our reputation and image is heightened, earning The Salvation Army invaluable reliability and consumer trust.”

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