Bacons enter retirement with a bang

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LT. COLONELS ALFRED and Sherryl Van Cleef (above left) conduct the retirement service for Majors Floyd and Lola Bacon at the Glendale Corps. Flag bearers are Captains Dana and Katheleen Johnson.

Even on the weekend of their retirement, Majors Floyd and Lola Bacon were still working to make their vision a reality. Most people would expect a couple to slow down as they approached retirement, but no one told the Bacons this, and they kept striving, for the glory of God, to actualize their vision.

Part of the long-term vision set by the Bacons for the Glendale, CA Corps was to establish an outreach to the Armenian-speaking community. Two years ago, after prayerful consideration, the Bacons hired Serob and Emik Hakobyan as ministry leaders.

At the Bacon’s last holiness meeting as active officers on May 27, 2001, 32 Armenian-speaking soldiers were enrolled by the divisional commander, Lt. Colonel Alfred Van Cleef. During the meeting, the Armenian praise and worship team shared their music and ministry.


Culturally Diverse in Methods and Ministry:

We will recognize, respect and celebrate our cultural distinctives. Such action will be reflected in the placement of personnel, in styles of Christian worship, in delivery of services and in communications.

Is the visioning process working? Yes, it is in Glendale! A vision has become a reality because of the faithful ministry of now retired Majors Floyd and Lola Bacon.

Majors Bacon served as officers for 26 years in the Western Territory. They entered the San Francisco Training College out of the Vancouver Corps, WA, and were commissioned in 1975 with the Soldiers of the Cross Session. Their first appointment, where they served for two years, was as corps officers in Sitka, AK. They then spent seven years as corps officers in Juneau, AK.

From Alaska, they were returned to their home state of Washington,where they served as corps officers in Vancouver for another seven years.

Majors Bacon were then appointed to Glendale, CA, where they have been corps officers for the past 10 years. They have one son, William.

With their enthusiasm and commitment to God and the Army, Floyd and Lola have been a blessing to all they have served.

In retirement, they will be traveling. They have a mailing service address: 152 Rainbow Dr. #5211, Livingston, TX 77399-1052.

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