Australia Eastern Territory offers scholarships

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 The Salvation Army will provide support for PhD students schooling in social justice, welfare and community services.

A new scholarship program, offered by a partnership between The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory (AET) and Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Sciences, will provide up to four $10,000 scholarships to doctoral students researching areas of social justice, welfare and community services in the territory.

Students will also be able to obtain a “view from the field” and gain practical experience in implementing intervention programs in communities through various Salvation Army centers. Details of each project will be developed by recipients and their supervisors in consultation with The Salvation Army.

Possible areas of research include: financial hardships and the impact of financial counseling in Australia, homelessness, community based and parenting program for disadvantaged families, income management and vulnerable families, social exclusions in Australia, mental health interventions and other research benefiting disadvantaged communities with positive contributions to Army social services.

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