Seven Western Territory and one Eastern Territory officers successfully complete courses for their bachelor’s degrees.
Seven Salvation Army officers joined the graduation procession at Nazarene Bible College—in Colorado Springs, Colo.—on May 27 to accept their bachelor’s degrees.
The Western Territory has formed a relationship with the college, which provides a variety of degrees that are beneficial to Army officers.
Pictured here with Territorial Education Secretary Major Jeff Martin is Major Eloisa Martin and five of the most recent graduates: (l-r) Captain David Leonard, Captain Courtney Stratton, Captain Harold Laubach, Jr., Captain James E. Lloyd, Captain Stephanie Childs (an officer from Eastern Territory), and Captain Dianne Ebal. Also in the picture is Dr. Gary W. Streit, vice president for Academic Affairs. Captain Jill Steiner and Captain Osei Stewart also graduated but were unable to attend.