An unexpected New Year’s resolution

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by Terry Camsey, Major –

Well, here we are and it’s Christmas again. It seems that the older we get, the faster time passes, and it becomes an increasingly valuable commodity. Each day is a gift, not promised, and worthy of our best for the Lord.

Many years ago when Beryl and I became auxiliary captains, we attended officers’ councils in Northern California at which a Canadian officer couple were guest speakers. The day is as fresh in my mind now as then, because I received a direct commission from the Lord.

The officer spoke from Jeremiah 1 and (in the words of The New English Bible) this was the mission he appointed me to:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you for my own; before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you a prophet to the nations…for you shall go to whatever people I send you and say whatever I tell you to say. Fear none of them, for I am with you and will keep you safe…Then the Lord stretched out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I put my words into your mouth. This day I give you authority…”

I had a little text card with me at the time on the back of which I wrote “man I AM sending you!” I have referred to it frequently over the years, and it has strengthened and empowered me. Jeremiah wrote down that the Lord had admonished him to brace himself, stand up and speak to the people telling them everything God told him to say: “They will make war on you but shall not overcome you, for I am with you and will keep you safe.” I have proved that to be true.

Prophecy is an interesting gift involving both forth telling (telling it the way it is) and foretelling (describing a future seen through the eyes of faith). Similar, in many ways, to a catalyst that, unchanged itself by the process, throws light, generates heat, stimulates energy and helps transform.

That has been my goal over the past 20 or more years through the Body-Builder column in New Frontier and throughout a ministry that has given me the opportunity to both forth-tell and foretell in the area of church health, growth and vitality, not only in the USA Western Territory, but all over the world. Even in retirement from active service, it is the cause that has driven and still drives me. It is gratifying to occasionally read through the sheaf of testimonials I have received over the years from people (from Generals to soldiers) who have been helped and enlightened by that ministry.

Beyond Christmas, of course comes, the New Year when, generally speaking, people make their own resolutions for the future. This year it has been resolved (a resolution has unexpectedly been made) that The Body Builder column will be retired at the end of 2009.

I want to thank, first of all, the territorial administrations that have allowed me the privilege of writing not only the column but, occasionally, whole trucks (even a complete issue once) for New Frontier. To the best of my knowledge, no column has been drastically edited (although I suspect that one or two may never have made it to publication!).

I want, also, to thank Bob Docter and his careful helpers who have encouraged me and handled my manuscripts.

Finally, I must thank you, my faithful readers, for your support and response over these many years—during which the photo at the top of the column has changed dramatically as the years have taken their toll!

And my New Year’s resolution?

To keep following the call that the Lord so clearly revealed to me in that officers’ councils so long ago—and to try not to burn out before all the “fuel” within me has burned up!

May God continue to bless you as he has blessed me.

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