An Army of Blood and Fire

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by Captains Odilio and Ivis Fernández – Regional Officers – Western Cuba – 

Under the theme “But the people who know their God will firmly resist him” (Daniel 11:32) Cuban Salvationists are inspired for a strong fight against Satan. We know how much God has done for us, and we are sure of everything that he will do in the future.

Reasons to celebrate

The year 2001 brought great blessings and reasons to celebrate. After working for 83 years as a division, Cuba has now been made into two regions under the vision of our territorial leaders. This has helped the simultaneous development of the Army on the whole island.

The Western Region of Cuba has 17 officers distributed throughout eight corps and one outpost. We have a beautiful home for third generation people (senior citizens) that has 48 residents and 48 non-residents. The latter receive daily meals, but for lack of space, they do not sleep in the home.

Many have found salvation and are now soldiers and Home League members who attend the William Booth Corps.

New social service programs

Recently, with the special help of The Salvation Army in Taiwan, we have begun social service programs: a computer center for children and a sewing workshop. This workshop gives employment to 10 needy women; low-cost articles are made for newborns from low-income families in the community. We hope that despite material limitations, the Lord will give us the means to work efficiently with these people.

Our corps are in very poor physical condition; as regional leaders we have set a goal of having better homes for our officers and well-built corps. This seems very difficult in our economic reality and may seem like a dream, but we are making progress. The officers are marching forward.

The unity among our officers is significant. The desire for a great work of the Lord, not a competitive spirit, moves us forward; we edify ourselves with the victories of others—when we are weak or tired it is a source of encouragement.

Assured of revival

We are assured that we are in revival. The people do not only meet in the corps, but there are home prayer meetings and Bible study. We have a committed and enthusiastic group of young people. Also, we count on the great challenge of opening new Salvation Army corps.

Many things could take us off track, but we trust in the Powerful, in he whom the winds obey and for whom the waters part. We have a God who demolishes fortified cities, and in him we trust. Only then do we ask, as up until now, that you carry us in your hearts and in prayer before the throne of our God.

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