Administration Extensions Announced

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Colonel Dennis L. Phillips, chief secretary, recently announced the General and the Chief of the Staff have approved extending the active service for the following officers:

Commissioners Peter and Grace Chang, originally scheduled to retire on May 31, 1997, will now officially be retired effective June 30, 1997.

Colonels George and Joy Church, originally scheduled to retire on April 30, 1997, will now officially be retired effective June 30, 1997.

Colonels Bruce and Dorothy Harvey, originally scheduled to retire on September 30, 1997, will now be retired June 30, 1998.

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administration extensions announced. colonel dennis l. phillips, chief secretary, recently announced the general and the chief of the staff have approved extending the active service for the following officers:. commissioners peter and grace chang, originally scheduled to retire on may 31, 1997, will now officially be retired effective june 30, 1997. colonels george and joy church, originally scheduled to retire on april 30, 1997, will now officially be retired effective june 30, 1997. colonels bruce and dorothy harvey, originally scheduled to retire on september 30, 1997, will now be retired june 30, 1998.
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