A constant love

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By Travis Yardley, Cadet –
I would like to thank Commissioners Hodder, Major Brian Saunders and all the officers, family and friends here for letting me have the honor of speaking today.
This is an honor that is beyond words for me, but I will try to do my best. I get to tell you about the two most amazing people in my life. They have seen me in my high moments and my lowest of lows. They have stood beside me through everything I have faced in my life. Mom and Dad, thank you for always being there for me. My parents have had to see me fight tooth and nail to get through school. They saw me lose hope in myself and think that I was worth nothing to everyone. My parents were always there to show me I was worth everything. My parent’s love was like nothing I had ever known, until I saw where that love came from.
My parents have been officers most of my life and have always prayed for me in all the things I had going on. They prayed that school would be something I love. Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I love school now. They prayed for me to find the true meaning to my life. They wanted me to be the best that I could be. I never saw it at first. Now looking back on it I see that the love they were showing me was that love God gives us all. As I walked on my own way, my parents were going to God on my behalf. This would play out funny, to think I’m now a Joyful Intercessor because two amazing people were willing to step in the path to show me God’s true love. I found this love, and saw that I was worth everything, because Jesus gave his life for mine.
I’m here today because my parents were willing to be the first Joyful Intercessors in my life. Mom and Dad, you were that light that showed me the way to find God in my life. Thank you for everything that you did for me and for being willing to stand in that path so that I could see that light.
Matthew 5:16 tells us:  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. I saw God through the actions of my parents and I glorify my heavenly Father today for that.
To everyone that came along side of one of my session mates, I thank you for showing them the light. You were the first Joyful Intercessors for them. We now take up our name sake of the Joyful Intercessors and we will live for the people that we will serve, and lead.  Just like my parents came along side, so you did for my session mates. We thank you all. I pray that we make you proud, not in our power but in the power of the Lord.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for always being there through everything. You made me the man that I am today. I love you always.
I will leave you with words that may parents told me over and over again: “God Loves you, and there is nothing you can do about it!”

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