Morelock Announces India Trip

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As part of the West’s continuing support of World Service/Self Denial, 13 Salvationists from the Western Territory will visit the Evangeline Booth Hospital at Ahmednagar, India, from August 15-September 6.

“The team is made up of eight officers and five lay persons, each of whom were selected by their command heads for their skills in construction, repair, computers, counseling, and Bible teaching,” says Lt. Colonel Mervyn Morelock, territorial evangelist, who with Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, will lead the team. Team members will be involved in repair projects at the hospital and will lead Bible studies with the compound staff. They will also participate in a Spiritual Day at the nearby Training School.

Western missionaries Majors Ted and Rosalyn Mahr have served at the hospital for many years. “Many of our folk are spiritually low and their faith is very weak,” writes Major Rosalyn Mahr. “Spiritual conflicts are very strong, with the devil at his strongest here. The struggle is fierce.”

According to Morelock, the group is committed to sharing God’s love through acts of kindness and hard work; making needed repairs on hospital buildings; encouraging missionary and national officers on staff; teaching and sharing the Good News of the Gospel where and when given the opportunity; stimulating giving to Self Denial as team members share their experiences and the Army’s ministry at the Evangeline Booth Hospital.

Upon their return, team members will give at least five presentations within their division or command on their experiences.

Team members are: Dick Davenport (Tustin Ranch Corps), Clarence Ing (Kauluwela Corps), Capt. Mooi Leslie (Sacramento Corps), Dr. Victor Lim (San Francisco Asian American Corps), Major Cynthia Lowcock (College for Officer Training), Ken Mowery (El Paso Citadel), Envoy Michael Nute (Sitka Corps), A/Capt. Gerald Pigeon (Escondido Corps), Captain Maynard Sargent (Seattle White Center), Captain Dawn Trueblood (Carpenteria ARC), CSM James Webber (Cheyenne Corps), And Lt. Colonels Mervyn and Shirley Morelock.

Previous mission survey tours, under the leadership of Lt. Colonel Leon Turner, visited Latin America, South Asia, Africa, South Pacific/East Asia, and Eastern Europe.

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