prayerPower – Pisteuo–believe

In processing the prayer requests for the weekly Call to Prayer bulletins, I have been impressed with those who share some of their deepest fears and anxieties with their requests. Each week, the list, with its twelve paragraphs of prayer requests, goes to over 320 praying centers and appears on the Internet web page,
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by Mervyn Morelock, Lt. Colonel

In processing the prayer requests for the weekly Call to Prayer bulletins, I have been impressed with those who share some of their deepest fears and anxieties with their requests. Each week, the list, with its twelve paragraphs of prayer requests, goes to over 320 praying centers and appears on the Internet web page,

Each request reflects powerful emotion—the belief that God hears and answers prayer.

My friend, Jim Humphrey, occasionally shares an interesting series of “faith studies.” Recently, he sent me a study of the Greek word, pisteuo, usually translated “believe.” To believe is to have faith.

He explores three settings from the Scriptures, where Jesus used the Greek word pisteuo to teach that to believe is to have faith.

1. The Centurion sent emissaries to advise he was not worthy of Jesus entering his house, and he believed that all Jesus had to do was to say the word and his servant would be healed. When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith” (Matt. 8:10 NIV).

And his servant was healed at that very hour” (v. 13). One must read through Matt. 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 to see the full account. It was their faith, not his touch that healed them.

2. Two blind men came to Jesus asking that he have mercy on them (Matt 9:27-31 NIV). When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

“Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith will it be done to you”; and their sight was restored. It was their faith that healed them.

Matthew 21:21,22 (NIV): Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

God is ready to answer prayer today, just as during biblical times. And there are still many miracles taking place, even today.

1. A mother prays for her wayward, alcohol and drug-addicted son, and he finds Jesus at a Salvation Army adult rehabilitation center (ARC).

2. A mother prays and prays and prays, almost despairing for her daughter who has lived on the streets for six years in despicable condition. We saw this mother present her daughter a completion pin at her graduation at the ARC chapel. Her daughter is so changed that she does not look at all like the face on the ID badge she wears! Answers to prayer.

3. This prayer update letter was just received from Joshua’s mother; the 14-year-old who has Hodgkins lymphoma: “We just returned home from Josh being admitted for his 2nd round of chemo, and we are happy to report that he sailed through his treatment with absolutely no nausea this time around. Praise GOD!”

Answered prayers:
1. Our insurance came through. No more unnecessary days in the hospital or driving the three-hour round trip each day to get Josh the meds he needs.

2. Josh continues to have very little side effects from chemo. As of right now, he continues to look and act like a “normal” teenage boy. The doctors and everyone involved are impressed by how well he is doing.

3. We are happy that Josh remained well enough to attend his 8th grade awards dinner and dance, junior high graduation, and visitation day at what will be his high school next year.
“Continue to pray for us that we as a family continue to stay united and close, and for our peace of mind. Thank you!”

The “D” family”

May your prayers be filled with BELIEVING (PISTEUO) Faith!

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