Salvation Army and DRG Concepts make gourmet burgers

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burgersFood provided to tornado victims.

Working with DRG Concepts—a company that owns multiple high-end restaurants in Dallas—The Salvation Army and four professional chefs provided gourmet burgers to tornado victims in Moore, Okla.

“We’re grateful to The Salvation Army for lending their trucks and letting us do some cooking,” said Nafees Alam, vice president of DRG Concepts.

The Salvation Army’s canteen was used as a place to cook the burgers and then serve the food to 985 people. The chefs said they enjoyed providing meals to people in need and felt humbled seeing the damage caused in Oklahoma.

“Just seeing the devastation on the way in, that’s going to stay on my mind a long, long time,” said Fran Gallagher of DRG Concepts. “This has been a really humbling experience.”

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