150 years of The Salvation Army: #150reasons

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The Salvation Army will celebrate its 150th anniversary in July 2015 during Boundless: The Whole World Redeeming and in anticipation of the momentous occasion, the organization is inviting Salvationists, supporters and service users to share personal experiences in a #150reasons campaign.

The crowd-sourcing campaign will span Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram and Vine. A dedicated website will also capture personal stories and reflections, and will share a selection of the #150reasons from other platforms.

In the 150 days preceding the July 2, 2015, anniversary, The Salvation Army will promote the #150reasons to raise awareness of the diversity and spread of the Army’s ministry.

“This is an exciting new opportunity to tell The Salvation Army’s story in an authentic and engaging way,” said David Giles, International Headquarters web manager. “As we approach this milestone anniversary, we want as many people as possible to see and hear what God has been doing, and still is doing, right around the globe.”

Follow The Salvation Army on Twitter via @SalvArmyIHQ.


Comments 1

  1. i am a soldier from the vadasery corps, India south-eastern territory. as a child i used to follow the army band (which comes to my village for the out-reach program) till Catherine Booth Hospital where we will have a service conducted at the C.B.H.Chapel. I religiously attended there service for my love of music especially for the brass band as well as a sunday school where we got our roots grounded. Since it was a village of farmers because of the invasions we are today we stand tall among all.

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