Concord Corps dunks pastor for World Services

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The Concord, California Corps finds creative ways to raise money for World Services.


On a bright sunny Sunday, the Concord, Calif., corps took fundraising for World Services to a new level. It was the day after their “Summer Palooza”; a dunk tank had been rented as part of the fun and it had a three-day minimum rental. So, Major Pam Gardner suggested, “Why don’t we set it up on Sunday and raise some money for World Services? We could advertise—‘Dunk the Pastor.'”

For $5, a person had three tries to throw a ball at a target from a reasonable distance; for $10 they could move quite a bit closer; for $25 they could go up and just push the target.

Major Clay Gardner valiantly, bravely…well you get the idea… climbed up and sat on the trap door. It didn’t take long before he was soaked, again and again and again. Also volunteering a turn in the tank were Cadet Jonathan Harvey, whose loving wife Vickie took the first shot; bass trombone player Mike Pierce also got plenty wet; and just when the enthusiasm was about to die out, Concord’s facility manager, Todd Hearick, climbed aboard as the crowd cheered him on.

A great time was had by all, but best of all, when the money was counted they had raised about $600 for World Services.

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