154 So. California Music Students ‘Shine as the Light’

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WELL DONE–Lt. Col. Alfred Van Cleef presents the senior outstanding musician award to Sarah Stillson.


With bright, shining faces, 154 students of the 1999 School of Music warmly welcomed special guests Carl and Christine Saunders from Cardiff Canton Corps, South Wales, UK Territory, who provided leadership to the top bands and top chorus respectively.

Assisted by Divisional Youth Leaders Captains George and Jeannie Baker and a competent staff, Divisional Music Director Chris Mallett and Assistant Mrs. Fay Mallett organized nine days of intensive instruction in brass, vocal, percussion and timbrel technique.

Christine Saunders also shared her talents as leader of a senior timbrel group while Carl, during free time, led the “British” soccer team in the now traditional match against “The World!”

The 41 participants in junior and senior soloists’ nights showed evidence of substantial preparation, especially in the area of piano performance. To honor their accomplishments, soloists received a special certificate of participation.

In the mid-week concert a large supportive audience enjoyed Carl Saunders’ cornet expertise as he presented the demanding solo, “Glorious Fountain.” The three top bands and all vocal groups participated, demonstrating a high level of accomplishment, achieved during the initial days of the school.

The final program, chaired by Divisional Leaders Lt. Colonels Alfred and Sherryl Van Cleef, featured four bands, five timbrel groups and five choruses. The final number from the Mt. Crags Band, led by Saunders, playing Peter Graham’s challenging arrangement, “Shine as the Light,” surprised and dazzled the audience from the first dramatic note to the final chord.

Van Cleef presented the top theory award to Pendel Division visiting student, Carissa Burgmayer and Junior and Senior Honor Camper trophies to Chris Doughty, Torrance, and Peter Lee, L. A. Korean. Senior and Junior Outstanding Musicians were Sarah Stillson and Meredith Flinn, both of Pasadena Tabernacle.

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