Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Some of the richest blessings that can accrue to a Christian often result from sacrificial and generous financial support of missionary and evangelistic endeavors. It is true of one retired couple that I know. These folks had prepared themselves for missionary service, but due to some physical complications, they were not accepted for overseas work. Not wanting to be sidelined or to have their “calling” unfulfilled, they chose to support evangelical missions work with their financial resource. For as many years as I am old, these careful stewards of the riches of God’s grace and provision have carefully managed their monthly income in a truly sacrificial manner–10 percent plus to their local church and an additional 20 percent plus for missionary causes. The exciting reality is that there are many who live their lives just like this, so that the sinful lost of this world can find hope, health, and happiness through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

As you read this special World Services edition of the New Frontier, allow God’s spirit to minister to you. Ask him to quicken your resolve to do something of significance that will make an eternal difference in our world.


General Paul A. Rader and Commissioner Kay F. Rader found it necessary to cancel their plans to visit Tamil Nadu in the India South-Eastern Territory when the Delhi government felt that their presence in India at this time could prove embarrassing. There had been reports about persecution of Christians in some parts of India, which has not affected Salvationists or The Salvation Army directly. Nevertheless the Army has supported a submission by church leaders to the President of India calling on him to uphold the constitutional rights of Christians and other religious minorities in the country.

“It is ironic,” said Rader, “that the leader of a religious organization raised up by God to build peace and harmony between all people, and to serve people of all religious backgrounds, should be denied the privilege of visiting Salvationists in India for the purposes of encouragement and spiritual nurture.”


Following a second visit to Vietnam, at which further meetings were held with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, The Salvation Army has presented a memorandum of agreement to the ministry, with whom the Army will work regarding legal matters. Majors David and Grace Bringans will be appointed coordinators for Salvation Army work in the country beginning May 1.


Just before Christmas, officers and staff living and working on the Training College compound in Brazzaville were forced to leave. The country is in turmoil, fighting continues, and there is great difficulty in communication. All the headquarters staff, except Captain Heidi Oppliger, returned to their home territories on Christmas Day. The territorial commander is based at present in Pointe Noire. All other staff are now at the Brazzaville Divisional Headquarters compound, which is also being used as a refuge for many people.

News arriving via Kinshasa indicates that many corps properties and clinics have been looted and the whereabouts of some officers is unknown. Word has filtered through regarding three officer couples who, with their children, are being cared for by Salvationists of the Luozi District, Congo and Angola Territory


According to Captain Sergio Acevedo, the Army continues to provide relief to earthquake victims in Colombia: “We are running a camp for 800 people in Constitution Park in south central Armenia. They are provided with sanitary facilities, health services, food and the complete infrastructure that goes with such a camp. We are also in the process of setting up another camp for 400 people affected by the earthquake. Thus, the Army is responsible for 1,200 people who were affected by the earthquake.

During the 15 days that we have been active in the disaster area we have moved in 15 tons of help (materials) and, among other services, we have distributed more than 20,000 meals.


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