Assignments Announced

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Commissioner Peter H. Chang, territorial commander, announced the following new appointments, effective July 2, 1997, unless otherwise noted:

IHQ–Major Murray Flagg, International Youth Coordinator (effective August 1); Major Deborah Flagg, Literary Officer and Assistant Editor for All the World and Global Exchange (effective August 1).

NHQ–Captain Dennis Payton, Assistant to the Editor in Chief and Literary Secretary; Captain Susan Payton, Special Services/Circulation Manager.

ARCC/THQ–Captain Dale Pittock, Special Assignment, ARC Command; Captain Linda Pittock, Special Assignment, Social Services Department.

CFOT–Major Katherine Wood, Senior Music Instructor.

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assignments announced. commissioner peter h. chang, territorial commander, announced the following new appointments, effective july 2, 1997, unless otherwise noted:. ihq–major murray flagg, international youth coordinator (effective august 1); major deborah flagg, literary officer and assistant editor for all the world and global exchange (effective august 1). nhq–captain dennis payton, assistant to the editor in chief and literary secretary; captain susan payton, special services/circulation manager. arcc/thq–captain dale pittock, special assignment, arc command; captain linda pittock, special assignment, social services department. cfot–major katherine wood, senior music instructor.
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