front lines_News briefs of the West

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And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).

Karen Gleason, Editor

GRAND JUNCTION, COLO.—Two explosive devices placed in a downspout at The Salvation Army building exploded Halloween night. The downspout was secured and the Army resumed its normal activities the next morning, with people lining up for food assistance.

Although the damage was not great, police are investigating.

Majors Dan and Terrie Wilson are the corps officers; Lt. Darrell Williamson is the corps assistant.


KAKE, ALASKA—Corps Officers Lts. Michael and Noel Evans report that the community is increasingly reaching out to The Salvation Army’s ministry. Recently, they were called to bless a new fishing boat and then to bless the new home of one of the corps’ young families. They thank God for the opportunity to minister to the community and witness to his love and grace.


BELL, CALIF.—In addition to its usual services, the Bell Lighthouse Corps distributed blankets, socks and meals from El Pollo Loco to 50 homeless people at Skid Row. Corps members handed out 80 Christian books that provided a plan of salvation, and afterward conducted a short open-air meeting where four people made professions of faith.

Envoy Roy Snapp-Kolas also reports that the corps is using The Salvation Army’s Bible correspondence course in its adult Sunday school class, hoping to attract Bell Shelter residents who may wish to receive a course completion certificate as part of their treatment plan.

DENVER—Lt. David McDaniel, Denver Adult Rehabilitation Center administrator, began a three-part series on the 10 Commandments. The response was great to his initial challenge: “Which of the first four Commandments to you need to work on: God as your priority, abstaining from idolatry, using the Lord’s name in vain, and/or keeping the Sabbath?”

The altar call brought forth nine first-time seekers.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—Albuquerque Temple Corps Officers Lts. Juan and Nancy Argumedo prayed and worked for a long time to organize discipleship groups for corps members. They trained leaders and equipped them with the necessary materials.

The corps now has nine groups comprised of  six to seven people who will grow in Christ as they strengthen their relationships with each other.


NAMPA, IDAHO—The corps kicked off the Season of Giving with its annual Scouting for Food event Nov. 9. Members of two Boy Scout and two Girl Scout troops plus 40 volunteers collected 3,600 pounds of food. The Salvation Army received 1,800 pounds with the rest going to other area food banks.

Majors Bill and Brenda Hathorn are the corps officers.


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